
May 30, 2011

What's this?

Here's a little thought I've been putting off for quite some
time now. I happened to be able to have some time to myself
'cause I couldn't find anything to do at the moment,
so I started writing on this online journal.

This is a little tribute to the great musician, Johann Pachelbel.
I know he's on to music as I am doing in this little...joint effort.
And yes, I've heard Pachelbel's musical pieces myself.

The online journal's called "Je t'aime," which means "I Love You" in French.
What I'm doing is writing all my queries from what I think of.
The junk I write in this can get really silly.

There are times that I can't think of anything. That's when I give up
and skip writing. I can try my best to write as soon as I get some free
time and silence at this journal I fondly call "ami" which means "friend."


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